Monday, July 25, 2011


Oh my gosh, it's Monday and Elle is due Thursday! I can't believe how far we've come. I am just so ready to meet her and hold her and get to know her.

I am feeling about the same, maybe just a little more tired than usual. But still the crampy-ness and achy-ness are still there. We are still on watch for the mucus plug (eew!) and water breaking.

Me, Mark and my mom and dad get to go to a Padres game tomorrow night. Hope Elle doesn't decide that's her perfect time to introduce herself! :) it would be kind of funny though if I did go into labor at a baseball game, what a great story!

This morning Mark and I took Frankie for a walk at the Bay together. I got the opportunity to spring into action as a nurse when this older man tripped and smacked his head on the side walk. Blood was gushing from his face and people were quickly shuffling past him trying to pretend they didn't notice. Poor old man, so we helped him to sit on the side walk for a couple minutes to make sure he wasn't dizzy or going to pass out or anything. I was asking him questions to judge how coherent he was, if he was going to be OK or if he needed to go to the hospital. After the bleeding stopped, only 5 minutes-the cut wasn't bad it's just that the face tends to bleed a lot-I asked if he wanted to be taken to the hospital, his buddy was right beside us the whole time and they both said no, that he would be fine. Luckily their car was parked in a near lot so we walked as a group to their car and they profusely thanked us and then drove away. This situation really made me hope that if I'm ever hurt someone will stop and help me and not just step over me.

Tomorrow is the day that Mark predicts Elle will be born, I think it's this weekend. But as far as I'm concerned THE SOONER THE BETTER!! I'm really ready to not be fat any more :0) And these little teaser contractions need to turn into the real deal, waiting is so hard!

1 comment:

  1. Look at you, RN Katie to the rescue, 9 months pregnant and all!! Thank the Lord you were there - you were his angel!
    Padres game = soooo fun!!
    Come on Elle!!! Praying for you K.
