Yesterday, Monday January 17th, Mark and I had a nuchal translucency test scheduled for 8am. We arrived at 7a;45 and the nurses weren't even there yet (I love being early!) So we had the opportunity to look around the labor and delivery unit where we will be delivering our bundle of joy. All of the nurses were so nice and they actually looked happy. I've done some clinicals where the nurses were not happy at all. So this is great news! We didn't hear any screaming or swearing either, an added bonus :)
The greatest blessing of all was that all the blood tests came back negative along with the other tests they had to do. They said that we have 1 in 18,000 chances of our baby having a defect, I'll take those odds any day!! So everything looks great so far. The first ultrasound picture captured the baby sucking it's thumb, precious!!! The entire procedure took about 45 minutes. Unfortunately the little guy or girl was not cooperating so the sonographer had me jump up and down and do jumping jacks to get the little thing to move to the right spot, in the process off all the jumping and wiggling they had me do, I sprained my Achilles tendon where it attaches to my heel bone. I now have a limp that hurts like crazy when I put pressure on it. So I'm doing what I would, as a nurse, tell someone in my perdicament: RICE. (rest, ice, circulation-heat, elevate) It's not really working though. So if it's not any better by Thursday, I'm going to the doctor.
Tomorrow I start my last semester of nursing school. I never thought this day would come. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. It's going to be a challenge, but a challenge that I can overcome with the Lord. This whole nursing school thing has been from the Lord, in His timing. Thank you, Lord!
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